Thursday 12 April 2018

The Importance of Distilled Water

The Importance Of Distilled Water On Aging

Note: you can buy your own distiller but make sure that it's stainless steel.
Picture above is the kind of water distiller I have and it was manufactured in England.

By Chester Handley

As our body begins to age, there are several things that happen. Cell don't produce as well, the body doesn't digest as well, the body does not absorb as well & the body does not eliminate as well.

And areas of the body begin to feel pain & have sore spots that we never had before. One of the major causes of pain is the over consumption of grain in older people. It is softer, easier to eat & appears to be more easily digested.

Well the true reality is that it is no benefit to the aging body at all & leaves an acidic residue that gets deposited in the joints which is the number one reason for arthritic pain.

Many years ago when I was doing research on distilled water, I discovered that contrary to all the stories out there, distilled water does not take a single thing out of the body that the body needs.

It never takes anything out of a cell. Everything that is cellularly locked remains within the body, but it is the greatest tool in the world for cleaning out the bloodstream, which is the only function water really wash out, cleanse & purify the bloodstream.

Remember that the bloodstream is primarily an organ of transport. People think of it as a liquid rather than an organ, but it is an organ. It transports nutrients, oxygen & red blood cells throughout the body & carries away waste products & carbon dioxide.

Distilled water has been evaporated into a vapor, split apart into a molecule of hydrogen & oxygen, turning them into a gas that rises up in to the atmosphere, then cooled back down & condensed back in to water.

The same process happens in a distillery when it distils water. It heats up the water into a gas, all the impurities are left behind, all the waste products are left behind, then it is condensed & turned back into pure water & becomes the ultimate pure water because of one very important factor that is not present in any other is molecularly unstable. It means that when it goes in your bloodstream it breaks apart easier & latches on to debris, waste products & unwanted materials that are floating round in your bloodstream.

It is also one of the best ways there is for reducing blood pressure. I made up two charts years ago when I was doing my studies on body detoxification with distilled water, from 1865 to 1965. In 1865, diseases that ranked in the high 30's and low 40's became the first four killers in 1965...& they were all cardiovascular. I then made another chart from 1865 to 1965 to show the reduction in the use of drinking rainwater. The two charts were virtually biometrically opposite. As people quit drinking rainwater, cardiovascular diseases went up. When the blood vascular system is clean you have less headaches, you have less pain, you have more oxygen & nutrients available for the body & more healing capacity for the body.

It has been almost twenty years ago now that a man came down to my office that had arthritis so bad he could hardly get out of a straight backed chair. His pain was excruciating. We put him on the detoxification program, took him off of all grain in his diet, instructed him to eat only fruit,

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Liver Disease Warning


I Don't Have Liver Disease So Why Should I Worry?

You may say that you don't have liver disease so you think you don't have to worry. You may say that you don't drink alcohol as a reason.

Let me ask you some questions:

Well, you may not have liver disease, but are you sure?

  • Did you know that there are other ways to get liver disease then just by drinking alcohol?
  • Do you know the other ways to get liver disease?
  • Do you know the symptoms of liver disease?
  • Do you know that people have liver disease without knowing they had it, then it was too late?
  • Do you know what will happen to you when it gets to the point that you notice you have liver disease? Do you know that it's usually fatal at this stage?

If you don't have the answers to the above questions, you could be at risk with liver failure.

Let me talk on a comparison to having liver disease. We'll talk about engine oil for your car.

What if you only changed your oil when the warning light came on? What if you put in very low grade oil in order to save a couple of dollars during the year? What if you changed your oil once every 10,000 miles instead of every 4,000 miles (assuming that is the recommendation)? You may say, “That is crazy. You can risk ruining your engine!”

If you said that, you are right.

Assuming you have an older car, you went past the 4,000 mile mark, would you notice a difference? No, you would think everything is OK, as there was no onboard computer that told you differently. But you know, assuming you are conscientious of your car, that you would be shortening the life of your engine, right? But that is exactly what you are doing when it comes to your own body, in this case, we are talking about your liver.

Now, back to the oil in the car for another comparison. If you didn't bother to read the Owner's Manual and you changed your oil every 3,000 miles, would that hurt your car engine? In other words, if you changed your oil before it's recommend, could you do harm to your engine? Of course NOT!

What I'm saying is, if you don't know the condition of your liver and you took steps to cleanse your liver, would it harm you? Of course not. Would it help you? Yes, it would!

I bet you haven't changed your “oil” in 50 years (assuming you are that old). If you are like most people, you probably never, EVER had a liver cleanse! Your liver needs a rest and it needs the nutrients that is probably has only gotten very little of. You can only get better and feel better with a clean well-functioning organ.

If you never had a liver cleanse, regardless of how old you are, you are in dire need of one. It's like a person who had their car for 3 years and never changed the oil, you know that he is shortening the life of his engine. You don't have to look under the hood. You know his car needs it. Well, the same goes for you if you never cleaned your organs.

“I don't know what to do! I don't know where to start!”

Don't worry, that is why I'm here for you. By going to this page (Click Here), you'll get all the information that you'll need.

Just like a clean quality oil extends the life of your engine, a clean liver will extend your life.

What else would you like to do in your life? What would you miss out if you, God forbid, were to die tomorrow? How would you family feel? How would your children feel. What other things can you accomplish if you lived another 5 years? Another 10 years? While there are no guarantees in life as to how long you live, you want to do all you can to not only live longer but have a better quality life, filled with love and happiness. When you are sick, you don't feel like doing anything. When you are very sick and in hospital, you feel hopeless.

Find out today how you can cleanse your liver at home; find out how easy it is to do so you can really enjoy life again.

Act Today! Time Is Running Out!

God bless you and good health!

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